Monday, January 18, 2010

AMOORE'S 1000 FEMALE VOICES a Art Ehibition and Lecture

I am slowly planning my art showing task. I hope to locate 1000 women who will join me as one of the subjects of this showing. It is in the planning stage then comes gathering information, getting sponsors and then creating a website for the participants to use as a repository for their thoughts, photos and daily diary(a private place for us to edit what will be public and not). I will provide a family tree(history area). Please consider and we can get acquainted while working.


Join me as a friend and model for my new body of artwork for 2010 to 2013. This exhibition/lecture will be based on 1000 women the true gift of and to the existence of life. My objective with this showing is to combine all my talents into one coherent and cohesive production. I need interesting people to tell their story of life as they see it and themselves with-in it. Their place in culture, work, society local and worldwide, life history through family
and friends. Basicly their biography and future as they intend it to be. This showing is meant to eventually bridge gaps between indivduals within themselves and within the human society and not a country (which is only another boundary put in place to prevent crossings in understanding). Join me in this endeavor and we may make a difference. You can contact me at the following email/chats
: or and view more about me at
: ,... .
You can also find more about me by Google Search of my name
and company name with qoutation marks included like this :
"Aaron Michael Moore III" and "AMOORE ART AND ANTIQUES" .
My Website and Blog addresses for this showing are and

Thanks Again, Aaron